Vitaliy A. Prokopenko

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Courses: «Methods of separation and identification of compounds» .

Main research interests: colloid chemistry, biocolloid chemistry, production of nanoscale functional materials for technical and medical purposes, colloidal and biocolloidal processes.

Main research fields:

  1. Controlled formation of nanoscale phases and their stability in organic and aqueous media,
  2. Colloid-chemical methods of solution component separation,
  3. Physicochemical mechanics of disperse systems,
  4. Development of technological processes, in particular:
  • Obtaining new application and cosmetic treatment materials;
  • Obtaining of stable organo- and hydrosols including magnetically sensitive sols, based on ultrafine particles containing iron oxide and iron hydroxide;
  • Production of metallic nanoporous and porous materials with controlled porosity for filtering biological fluids, catalysis, membrane-electrode chemical and biochemical fuel cell;
  • Separation and recovery of complex technological solution components, e.g. from electrochemical and non-ferrous metals production
  • and number of other processes.

Scintific biography: Graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, with specialty “Chemical technology of astringent materials” in 1973. Since 1972, he worked as an engineer in A.V. Dumansky Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry. In 1974 he became PhD student of the Institute. In 1979 he defended his PhD thesis (diploma WAC USSR №030719) on specialty “Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials.” In 2009 he defended his doctoral thesis on specialty “Technology of inorganic substances” (diploma of NAS of Ukraine № DD 007 401). In 2001 he was given the academic rank of senior researcher in “Colloid Chemistry” (certificate AU №001816)
In 1979, he worked as a junior researcher in the A. V. Dumansky Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry, and from 1980 to 1986 was working as a senior researcher of this Institute. In 1980-1984 he was a researcher and consultant of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. At the same time Vitaliy Anatolevych worked as scientific secretary in the Department of natural disperse systems in A.V.Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute, combining this scientific and organizational position with scientific work in the same Department. In 1992, he was approved by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as director for scientific work of the newly created Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry NAS of Ukraine. Since 1996 he has also become the head of physicochemical geomechanics research department in this Institute. And he holds these last two positions till now, combining them with the position of Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology NTUU “KPI”.
He has carried out scientific management and the implementation of more than 15 departmental topics of NAS of Ukraine, leaded the implementation of several projects of the State scientific and technical programs of the Foundation for Fundamental Research and target complex programs of fundamental research of the NAS of Ukraine, and as a responsible contractor he has been involved in the projects of the Innovation Fund of Ukraine, in NATO grant, in state ordered program projects and complex programs of MES of Ukraine etc.

  • His summary experience of scientific work is 40 years.
  • Three PhD thesis and one doctor thesis was prepared and successfully defended under his leadership. And another PhD thesis work is preparing and one PhD student studies under his leadership now.

In 1983 he was awarded by the medal of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR with prizes for young scientists for a series of scientific papers, also he was awarded by the medal “In memory of the 1500 anniversary of Kiev”, and in 2010 – Honorary award of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce “Golden Scythian Pectoral”.

Medal of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR

He is a member of AIPEA – International Association for the Study of clays (Council of Association International pour l’Étude des Argiles), deputy chairman of the specialized council D26.209.01, a member of a specialized council D 26.002.13, member of the Working Group of the Scientific Council of the program «Nanostructure systems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies», member of the «Nanostructuring and amorphous materials» section of Scientific Council “Physics of metallic state” of the Department of physics and astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

  • He has published more than 75 papers, 2 of which are in collective monographs, 1 manual, applicable solutions are protected by over 20 patents and copyright certificates, including foreign ones.
  • The scientific results were also submitted on 52 national and international scientific forums.


Office address: National Technical University of Ukraine, 37 Peremohy Avenue, Bldg. 4, Kiev, 03056.
Phone: +38(044)424-02-14; +38(044)424-80-78; +38(050)055-25-48
E-mail: email prokopenko

Selected scientific publications:

  1. Pertsov N.V., Prokopenko V.A., Zozulya V.V., Ivanov M.A. NANOSCIENCE: Colloidal and Interfacial Aspects. (Ch.18. “Processes of Ultradisperse Structures Self-Organization during Electrochemical Dealloying“)/CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton, London, New-York. -2010. –C.515-523
  2. I.G. Kovzun, Z.R. Ulberg, A.V. Panko, V.A. Prokopenko, V.A. Oleinik,
  3. and E.M. Nikipelova. Colloid-Chemical and Nanochemical Processes in Peloids on Basis of Ferrous Clay Minerals. Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites,
  4. and Surface Studies (Editors: O.Fesenko & L.Yatsenko), Ch. 15./Springer Proceedings in Physics; Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland; С. 233-243.
  5. Лавриненко Е.Н., Долинский Г.А., Прокопенко В.А. Биосовместимые нанокомпозиты на основе магнетита и благородных металлов. В сб. Наноразмерные системы и наноматериалы: исследования в Украине / Редкол.: акад. НАН Украины А.Г.Наумовец (глав. ред.); К.: Академпериодика, 2014. С.589-594.
  6. Лавриненко О.М., Волобаєв І.І., Прокопенко В.А. Утворення феригідриту біогенного та хімічного походження і взаємодія біокомпозитів на його основі з частинками золота. Доповіді НАН України, – 2013. – Сер.: матем., природознавство, техн. Науки. – 2013. – №5. С.139-147.
  7. Lavrynenko O.M., Netreba S.V., Prokopenko V.A., Korol Ya.D. The Influence of the pH Value and the Cation Composition of Dispersion Medium on the Formation of Iron-Oxigen Structures on Steel Surface. / Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. -2011.-Т.2, -№ 1. С. 93-100.
  8. Прокопенко В.А., Лавриненко Е.Н., Мамуня С.В. Особенности формирования наноразмерных зародышевых структур в системе Fe0-C-H2O-O2. В сб.: НАНОСИСТЕМИ, НАНОМАТЕРІАЛИ, НАНОТЕХНОЛОГІЇ. К: Вид. Дім «Академперіодика»,– 2007. – Т.5, №2. – с. 489-503.
  9. Шпак А.П., Куницький Ю.А., Прокопенко В.А., Смик С.Ю. Процеси самоорганізації в матеріалах різної природи. К.: ПД ІМФ ім.Г.В.Курдюмова НАН України. 2004. 113 с.