The team of graduate girls, despite the difficult pandemic times, made a holiday for everyone at the faculty. Of course, first of all they created it for themselves. Olga Linyucheva – Dean of the Facuty of Chemical Technology honored the event with her presence, presenting diplomas and valuable gifts together with the head of the department – Olena Chyhyrynets.

Although the experience of our students shows that it is possible to receive a master’s degree many times in life, the event is still significant and significant. Including in the life of the graduating department – to meet the 4th full-fledged graduate of master’s students studying in the educational program “Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetics.”

First there were celebrations in the Great Chemical, then a meeting with Dmitry Mendeleev. Despite the frost, it was fun.

And then a meeting at the festive table in a warm atmosphere.
May your destiny smile on you, dear graduates! The present teachers wished from the bottom of their hearts to be well-known professionals and specialists, successful in their own business and much more.