Today, February 8, 1834 was born Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, whose life – is a continuous experience, innovation in science, a constant desire to devote himself to the service of society.
Monument to Mendeleev installed in front 4 (chemical) Corps, and a bas-relief – on the facade of the main building №1.
Bas-relief to Mendleev near main building NTUU “KPI”
“Such a general set of knowledge that I have seen in students the first release the Kiev Polytechnic, can not be found in the many universities and technological institutes i know.” These words are taken from a letter, Mendeleev – Chairman of the first examination committee – sent in 1903 by Chairman of the Russian government, Witte.
We believed in a sense a reprehensible to prepare for exams, and although we worked hard in normal times, for examsall night long playing cards, and to those who were preparing for exams, looked somewhat condescendingly»
D. I. Mendeleev
D.I.Mendleev in fron of chemical courpes NUU “KPI”
Dmitry Ivanovich was a chemist, physicist, technologist, economist, oilman, geology, meteorology, teacher, balloonist and instrument makers. It is noteworthy that at one time the scientist was known as “suitcase maker” because one of Mendeleev’s hobby was the manufacture of suitcases, in which he also succeeded. However, the main achievement of Dmitry Ivanovich life, which came to the treasury of world science, was the creation in 1869 of the periodic law of chemical elements, which has become not only one of the biggest events in the history of chemistry of the 19th century, but in a certain sense, one of the most outstanding achievements of the human thoughts of the past millennium.
Mendeleev was perhaps the most recognized in the world of Russian scientist – he had more than a hundred honorary degrees, in particular, was an honorary member of almost all Russian and foreign academies of sciences and universities. Dmitry Ivanovich was elected Dr. Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Gottingen, Princeton University, a member of the London, Edinburgh, Dublin Royal Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts, Krakow, the Belgian Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts. He was a corresponding member of the Paris, Prussia, Hungary, Bologna, Serbian Academy of Sciences; honorary member of Moscow, Kiev, Kazan, Kharkov, Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg, Tomsk and many other universities. It is worth adding that his famous work “Fundamentals of Chemistry” for twenty years published in Russia eight times, and abroad it came out in English translation (three times), German and French.
“Professor, just reading course, and he does not work in a science and does not move forward – not only useless, but directly harmful. He instilled in beginners ghastly spirit of classicism, scholasticism, kill their desire to live”.
D. I. Mendeleev