Address: rooms 243, building 4, 37, Beresteiskyi avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056
Contact: t.zhuk@xtf.kpi.ua
Teaching activity:
2016 – 2024: Lecture course: General Organic Chemistry at the Department of Biotechnology; Lecture Courses: Catalytic Processes in Technology of Organic Compounds, Chemistry and Technology of Bioorganic Compounds, Scientific Writing, Applied Organic Chemistryat the Department of Chemistry; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
2011 – 2016: Assistant Professor – Lecture course: General Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Department of Biotechnology, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
General research interest: Non-metal catalysis; biocatalysis; selective activation of CH-bonds in hydrocarbons; highly electrophilic radicals; white-rot fungi; basiodiomycetous fungi; whole-cell biotransformations; diamondoids.
Major arias of research:
Study of the catalytic activity of white-rot fungi towards different types of organic compounds, namely hydrocarbons, alcohols, carboxylic acids, in order to develop alternative, environmental friendly, cheap and efficient approaches for selective biotransformations of corresponding compounds.
Investigation of CH-bond activation with highly electrophilic radicals (phatalimido-N-oxyl, TEMPO) using diamondoids and alkylaromatics as a model hydrocarbons and development corresponding approaches.
Enzymatic transformations of diamondoids.
Education and key qualifications
2011 PhD (specialty 02.00.03 – Organic chemistry) has been defended at the Institute of organic chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. The research has been performed at the Department of Organic Chemistry, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Institute of Organic Chemistry.
2006 Master of Chemical Science and Technology (with honors), Department of Organic Chemistry, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
Fellowships and awards
2019 – 2021 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (George-Foster Program for experienced researchers, with interruptions), Germany
2018 – 2019 Research Grant (PI), Ministry of Science and Education for Young Scientists, Ukraine
2017 Fellowship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Giessen University, Germany
2017 Research Fellow, Ministry of Science and Education for Young Scientists, Ukraine
2016 Best Young Researcher and Teacher Award, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
2013 Grant from the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists, Ukraine
Research achievements
- Babkina, V.V., Albuquerque, W., Haiduk, Ya. M., Michalak, W., Ghezellou P., Zorn, H., Zhuk, T.S.* (2023) Fungal lyophilisates as catalysts for organic synthesis: Preparative oxidations with white-rot fungus Bjerkandera adusta. In: Molecular Catalysis, 549, 113451.
- Zhuk, T.S.,* Babkina, V.V., Zorn, H. (2022) Aerobic C–C bond cleavage catalyzed y whole-cell cultures of white-rot fungus Dichomitus albidofuscus. In: ChemCatChem, 14 (3), e202101408.
- Zhuk, T.S.,* Skorobohatko O.S:, Albuquerque, W., Zorn, H. (2021) Scope and limitations of biocatalytic carbonyl reduction with white-rot fungi. In: Bioorganic Chemistry, 108, 104651.
- Lopatina, Ya. Yu., Vorobyova V.I., Fokin A.A., Schreiner, P.R., Marchenko A.A., Zhuk, T.S.* (2019) Structures and dynamics in thiolated diamantane derivative monolayers. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (45), 27477-27482.
- Fokin, A.A., Zhuk, T.S:, Blomeyer, S., Perez, C., Chernish, L.C:, Pashenko, A.E., Antiny, J., Vishnevskiy, Yu.V., Berger, R., Grimme, S., Logemann, Ch., Schnell, M., Mitzel, N.W., Schreiner, P.R. (2017) Intramolecular London dispersion interaction effects on gas-phase and solid-state structures of diamondoid dimers. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (46), 16696-16707.
- Gunchenko, P.A., Li, J., Chen, H., Pashenko, A.E., Bakhonsky, V.V., Zhuk, T.S., Fokin, A.A. (2018): Aerobic oxidations with N-hydroxyphthalimide in trifluoroacetic acid. In: Molecular Catalysis, 447, 72-79.
- Zhuk, T.S.,* Goldmann, M., Hofmann, J., Pohl, J.C.S., Zorn, H. (2015): Preparative aerobic oxidations with basidiomycetous enzymes: CH-functionalization of adamantane. In: Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 122, 87–92.
- Zhuk, T.S., Koso, T., Pashenko, A.E., Hoc, N.T., Rodionov, V.N., Serafin, M., Schreiner, P.R., Fokin, A.A. (2015): Toward understanding of diamond sp2-defects with unsaturated diamondoid oligomer models. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (20), 6577-6586.
- Fokin, A.A., Zhuk, T.S., Pashenko, A.E., Osipov, V.V., Gunchenko P.A., Serafin, M., Schreiner, P.R. (2014) Functionalization of homodiamantane: Oxygen insertion reactions without rearrangement with dimethyldioxirane. In: Journal of organic chemistry, 79 (4), 1851-1866.
- Fokin, A.A., Zhuk, T.S., Pashenko, A.E., Dral, P.O., Gunchenko, P.A., Dahl, J.E.P., Carlson, R.M.K., Koso, T.V., Serafin, M., Schreiner, P.R. (2009): Oxygen-doped nanodiamonds: Synthesis and functionalizations. In: Organic Letters, 11(14), 3068–3071.
- Zhuk, T.S., Gunchenko, P.A., Korovai, Ya.Yu., Schreiner, P.R., Fokin A.A. (2008): Mechanisms of the C–H halogenation of adamantane in the presence of N-hydroxyphthalimide. In: Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry, 44 (1), 46-51.