On June 18, 2021, a regular meeting was held with stakeholders at the Department of Chemical Technology, Expertise and Food Safety of Kherson National Technical University.

These meetings with stakeholders (employers) and other participants in the educational process, who are indifferent to the content of training future bachelors, masters and PhD, are designed to discuss existing educational programs to adjust and improve their content to form a specialist in chemical technology and engineering. Through such events there is an exchange of experiences and opinions between teachers, representatives of other universities, which helps to form new ideas in the approaches and means of the educational process. The process of improving and updating educational programs requires constant attention. That is why such a meeting with the exchange of advice from colleagues, their views on the joint process of training are extremely important.

The meeting was attended by the head of the department KhTEBHP, head of the specialty 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering Saribekova Diana Georgievna, members of the working group of educational programs Saleba LV, Kuligin ML, Povstyanoy V.M., teachers of the department Kunik O .M., Yurova TA, Ratsuk ME, Semeshko O.Ya. and invited to the meeting representatives of the professional community – Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the National Technical University of Ukraine ” Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute “, Doctor of Science, Professor Olena Chyhyrynets and Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Ph.D., Yuriy Panchenko.
It should be noted that Chyhyrynets OE is a representative of Kyiv Polytechnic, Panchenko Yu.V. – Lviv Polytechnic, which also trains specialists in these educational programs.
During the meeting were discussed educational and professional programs “Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetics” speciality 161 Chemical technologies and engineering for higher education in 2021 set of the first (bachelor), second (master) levels, as well as educational and scientific program for training doctors of philosophy in chemical technology and engineering.
During the meeting, the structural and logical schemes of educational programs and their main components were discussed: purpose, features, program competencies and learning outcomes, resource provision of the program implementation, etc.

Considering each educational component, its content and the main competencies that are put forward to students were determined. Among the advantages of the curriculum were substantiated the availability of such normative educational components as “Chemistry, technology and application of food additives”, “Chemistry and technology of cosmetics”, “Fundamentals of chemical production design and technological calculations in chemical technology”, “Computer chemistry and application Computers in chemical technology “,” Processes and devices of chemical production “. A comparison was made with similar disciplines taught at Lviv and Kyiv Polytechnics. The content of the catalog of selective disciplines was discussed, in particular, such educational components as “Toxicological chemistry of food additives and cosmetics”, “Technologies of food additives” and “Chemistry of silicones in cosmetics”. Professor Chyhyrynets O.E. and associate professor Panchenko Y.V. made a report on their options for disciplines from the catalog of selective disciplines.

All those present noted that the dialogue was rich and productive.
A decision was made to further cooperate with leading institutions of higher education that train specialists in the specialty 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering of the educational program “Chemical Technologies of Food Additives and Cosmetics”, namely the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky”, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, to take into account the proposals on the content of educational programs made during the meeting.
The organizer of the meeting, the head of the specialization group 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering Saribekova Diana Georgievna sincerely thanked colleagues for feedback, suggestions on the content of the educational program and invited for further cooperation.