Google Scholar profile
Teaching courses: “Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Environmental safety in technological processes in food and cosmetic manufacturing”, “Physical Chemistry“, “Surface effects and dispersion systems“
Research interests: Biological conversion technologies of complicated organic wastes for energy carrier obtaining. Basic and environmental toxicology.
Scientific biography: In 1998 she graduated Sumy National Pedagogic Institute named by A. Makarenko. In 1998-2003 was post-graduate student at Biological faculty in Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. PhD degree she defended in 2004 on specialty “Ecology”. In 2000-2005 she worked in Laboratory of Ecology and Toxicology in Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University at appointment of research engineer. In 2005-2007 she worked at Ecology and Biotechnology Faculty of National Agricultural University of Ukraine at such appointment assistant of professor, senior lecturer, associated professor.
Since 2008 she has worked in NTUU “KPI”. In 2012 she obtained academic degree “associated professor”. She has experience to conducted international research and academic project such as three individual research grants from International Entomological Society (International Dragonfly Fund) in 2005, 2007 and 2008; ТEMPUS DASAU (2006-2007); bilateral Ukrainian-Indian research project “Development of probiotics for enhanced antioxidant availability” (2012-2013); Erasmus Mundus TEMPO (2013-2014)
- Total teaching experience is 11 years.
- She has 70 scientific publications, including 4 monographs, 6 methodical papers and 40 articles in professional journals.

Selected publications:
- Khrokalo L. Annotated bibliography of the odonatologic paper of Ukraine / L. Khrokalo // IDF-Report. – 2005. – Vol. 8. – 51 р. [in English]
- Superfamily Oestroidea. Family Calliphoridae. Family Sarcophagidae / Yu. G. Verves, L. A. Khrokalo (pp. 251-303) – In: Gerlach, J (Ed): The Diptera of the Seychelles islands. ISBN 978-954-642-461-7, Pensoft Series Faunistica 85. Softcover. – 2009. – 431 pp. [in English]
- Bezkrovna O.V. Applicability of Folsomia candida toxicity test for urban range of lead concentrations / O. V. Bezkrovna, L. A. Khrokalo // Suchasni problemy toxicilogii. – 2012. – № 1 (56). – С. 41-46. [in English]
- Khrokalo L. A. Volumetric estimation of biogas content / L. Khrokalo, Т. Obushenko, Ye. Pererva, О. Kozlovets // Naukovi Visti NTUU «KPI». – 2013. – № 3. – P. 93-99. [in Ukrainian with English summary]
- Yumnam S. Optimization of tannase positive probiotic production by response surface methodology / S. Yumnam, B. Prasanna, L. Oriabinska, L. Khrokalo, O. Dugan // Biotechnologia acta. − 2014. − Vol. 7, № 5 − P. 62-70. [in English]