The Department of Physical Chemistry initiated a round table “KPI Chemical Community towards Turkey Chemical Society” as an online meeting at the university with representatives of the Chemical Society of Turkey (CST). Over the last few years, we have had good contacts with the General Secretary of the Society, Dr. Mustafa Culha. The timetable and main issues for discussion were agreed. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Turkish Embassy in Ukraine with the active participation and assistance in the organization of the Department of International Cooperation of the University under the leadership of Sergii Sydorenko.
The agenda agreed by both parties was as follows.
- The urgent problems that provoked a lively discussion were the issues of cooperation, its forms, which was reported in great detail by a member of the CST Board Dr., Prof. Onder Metin. He spoke about opportunities to participate in bilateral projects and other European grant programs. Participants expressed confidence in the need to pave the way for joint grant applications and success in them. By mutual agreement, all materials of the meeting are passed to the parties for intensification of contacts.
- The prospects of the EastWest Chemistry Conference 2020, postponed to October 6-8, 2021 since the COVID-19 pandemic, were also considered. The opinion was expressed on the need to gain experience in various formats of scientific events in modern conditions, but the face-to-face meeting should be the main preference. The Organizing Committee of the conference will monitor the situation and take into account all the features of the moment.
- Historical reports aroused great interest. The first report was dedicated to CST, which celebrated its 100th anniversary last year. Dr. Mustafa Culha shared his own experience and reported on the traditions of membership on a voluntary basis that has developed in CST. By the way, there is no similar structure in Ukraine. CST has valuable experience in organizing world-class forums, now it includes businessmen and entrepreneurs, and takes care of Turkey’s school chemistry education.
- The second report was a retrospective of the 120-year development of the Department of Physical Chemistry, presented by its head Dr., Professor Olena Chyhyrynets. Modern directions of scientific work at the department and the Faculty of Chemical Technology were announced by Deputy Dean Olga Sanginova, Dr. Georgy Sokolsky.
Therefore, we will hope that a solid foundation has been laid for the existing and future cooperation of the chemical communities of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky and Turkey.