More information on the conditions of admission at the link

More information on the conditions of admission at the link
The team of graduate girls, despite the difficult pandemic times, made a holiday for everyone at the faculty. Of course, first of all they created it for themselves. Olga Linyucheva – Dean of the Facuty of Chemical Technology honored the event with her presence, presenting diplomas and valuable gifts together with the head of the department – Olena Chyhyrynets.
Although the experience of our students shows that it is possible to receive a master’s degree many times in life, the event is still significant and significant. Including in the life of the graduating department – to meet the 4th full-fledged graduate of master’s students studying in the educational program “Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetics.”
First there were celebrations in the Great Chemical, then a meeting with Dmitry Mendeleev. Despite the frost, it was fun.
And then a meeting at the festive table in a warm atmosphere.
May your destiny smile on you, dear graduates! The present teachers wished from the bottom of their hearts to be well-known professionals and specialists, successful in their own business and much more.
Dear colleagues,
we have the honor to propose for you the opportunity to publish your valuable contribution to our conference as a paper in the special volume of Materials Today: Proceedings (
The agreement about this opportunity for participants has been signed recently between Elsevier Ltd, The Turkish chemical society, and Igor Sikorsky KPI. The submission of manuscripts will be open for participants immediately after the conference free of charge for the first 50 papers accepted for publication.
Check updates about the authors’ instructions and a paper template.
On June 18, 2021, a regular meeting was held with stakeholders at the Department of Chemical Technology, Expertise and Food Safety of Kherson National Technical University.
These meetings with stakeholders (employers) and other participants in the educational process, who are indifferent to the content of training future bachelors, masters and PhD, are designed to discuss existing educational programs to adjust and improve their content to form a specialist in chemical technology and engineering. Through such events there is an exchange of experiences and opinions between teachers, representatives of other universities, which helps to form new ideas in the approaches and means of the educational process. The process of improving and updating educational programs requires constant attention. That is why such a meeting with the exchange of advice from colleagues, their views on the joint process of training are extremely important.
Continue reading “Discussion of the educational program “Chemical technologies of cosmetics and food additives””Dear colleagues and scientists! The Organizing Committee of the IV EastWest Chemistry Conference (EWCC) in 2021 (EWCC 2021) decided to organize this event exclusively online as part of the National Chemical Conference organized by the Turkish Chemical Society. Note that an online conference is not a replacement for a previously scheduled conference. So it will definitely be held as a face-to-face conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, but in 2022!
We invite everyone to take part in this year’s conference in an online format. Members of the organizing committee of the conference from KPI. Igor Sikorsky will continue to take part in the organization of this event and organize the support of Ukrainian participants.
We are waiting for the fall of October at the 2021 conference.
We emphasize that from May 1, 2021, the acceptance of abstracts for the conference has already begun.
More information about the EastWest Chemistry Conference 2021 can be found at;
Dear colleagues,
The complicated pandemic situation throughout the world with COVID-19 was under consideration on the last weekend meeting of the Organizing committee members of EastWest Chemistry Conference (EWCC2020). The reason was the future of the approaching EWCC2020 event that has already postponed to 6-8.10.2021 and Kyiv Igor Sikorsky KPI was planned as a host of the conference. The following members were present: EWCC co-chair prof. Mustafa Culha (University of South Florida), Dr. Onder Metin (Koç University) from the Turkish side, and prof. Olena Chyhyrynets (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic University), prof. Georgii Sokolsky (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic University) from the Ukrainian side.
After active discussion, the participants decided to organize this conference online this year simultaneously with the National Meeting of the Turkish Chemical Society. The publication opportunity in referred in Scopus journals will work as planned before. Our university members of the Organizing committee will continue to be responsible for Ukrainian participants and will help them in any way.
Sad to say that normal format of the conference is not possible in 2021. Nevertheless, we continue to plan the traditional meeting format in 2022 in Kyiv. So, let’s be together online in 2021 and offline in Kyiv in 2022!!!
Take care of yourself!
For about a week, our students have been waiting in Palermo (Sicily island, Italy) for an unforgettable experience of the academic semester at the University of Palermo (UNIPA). This is the chance for Marina Tsaryuk, Elizaveta Dmitrieva, Anna Berdychevskaya that was given within the framework of the Erasmus+ program between our universities. They must graduate their Bachelor’s degree program in Chemical Technology of Food Additives and Cosmetics when studying at both universities. A series of interesting researches is planned for their Diploma in the research group of professor Giuseppe Lazzara. There is no doubt that this experience will be a very important stage in their next career. And now one can relax and unwind, make sightseeing tour at the beauties of Palermo.
The Departments of Physical Chemistry of KPI and Physics and Chemistry of UNIPA have agreement on conducting joint research and exchange of students, specialists, which will be implemented in the next two years. Joint topical research is an unforgettable experience of cooperation, travel, and exchange of experience. We wish our students success and good luck, so that everything they planned will be realised!
The Department of Physical Chemistry within the scopes of the Erasmus + program partnership with the with a group of Professor Giuseppe Lazzar from the University of Palermo (UNIPA, Italy), organized a meeting to discuss research areas to make real and implementat common plan that was to send our chemical technology students to UNIPA for research within the qualification work of a bachelor. The parties exchanged by opinions regarding the most acceptable decisions. Plans for further joint work were outlined. It should be noted that the Department of Physical Chemistry conducts joint research with the research group of Professor J. Lazzara in the field of physical chemistry of halloysite nanotubes and their functionalization since 2019.
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
We wish you new horizons of your precious ideas, valuable and unique research achievements and prosperity to your families and organizations!
Despite the pandemic challenges, we must plan our life, future events.We all have hope for the end of the pandemic situation in 2021. New deadlines will be established, new opportunities to present your research results will appear. As you probably know, the 4th East West Chemistry Conference (EWCC 2020) was postponed to October 6-8 2021 due to an unprecedented situation with COVID-19 disease out of any control. Please, consider our conference as a platform for exchange of ideas and experience, opinions and results. So, the next meeting will be also in Kyiv at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute! You are welcome! Don’t hesitate to ask any question and follow updates and details of future event on the conference address or department, university sites:; To add more, we reached an agreement with two journals, Chemical Papers (Springer) and Materials Today Proceeding (Elsevier) to publish papers presented in our conference.
We are looking forward to see you at the Conference!
The Organization Committee
Physical Chemistry Department
The Department of Physical Chemistry initiated a round table “KPI Chemical Community towards Turkey Chemical Society” as an online meeting at the university with representatives of the Chemical Society of Turkey (CST). Over the last few years, we have had good contacts with the General Secretary of the Society, Dr. Mustafa Culha. The timetable and main issues for discussion were agreed. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Turkish Embassy in Ukraine with the active participation and assistance in the organization of the Department of International Cooperation of the University under the leadership of Sergii Sydorenko.
The agenda agreed by both parties was as follows.
Continue reading “Steps toward Turkish Chemical Society”